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The Meta-Language and Navigation Handbook – Provides the connecting pieces for the working in the information universe, navigating consciousness as well as navigation for all the platforms and vehicles of the 3rd Generation web offering and the Issue Centric Voting mechanisms of the Global Nation. 

Meta-Language and Consciousness

Neoscience and

The Meta-Language and Navigation Handbook – Provides the connecting pieces for the working in the information universe, navigating consciousness as well as navigation for all the platforms and vehicles of the 3rd Generation web offering and the Issue Centric Voting mechanisms of the Global Nation.

Meta-language provides a new and internationally accessible language for navigating the new environment as well as providing the pieces that connect everything together. The navigational mechanisms provide the basis for navigating the semantic and data grid layers among others of the 3rd gen web.

The Third Generation Web Layer Handbook – Covers each layer within the 3rd layer in cyberspace providing details on the Governance layer, the Guide layers, Data Grid layer, Digital Property Layers, Semantic Web layer and Real World Layers.

Meta-Language is based on archetypes in human consciousness. We developed a language system that outlines the human change and transformation process.

Meta-Language Navigation is integrated into the platforms

Meta-Language is integrated into the U, i, We, and US Platforms – These platforms are supporting platforms for different stages in engaging with the network or new layer in cyberspace..

Meta-Language is integrated into the U, i, We, and US Platforms – These platforms are supporting platforms for different stages in engaging with the network or new layer in cyberspace. The U platforms are used to support stand alone application sites and segues into the sign-up and configuration process for the I, WE and US Platforms which support the individual, the group and governments in the overall Multi-Scalar Infrastructure Stack system (MSIS). 

Neoscience and Meta-Language

Meta-Language was developed from research at the Center of Neoscience as a means of dealing directly with consciousness, mind, information and process-object relationships within the perceptual field. It emerges from deeper levels of consciousness and therefore has some unique and powerful characteristics associated with it. it forms the basis for in platform tools, instruments and navigation in information space and the sphere of consciousness.

Meta-Language and its Development

Meta-Language is based on archetypes in human consciousness. We developed a language system that outlines the human change and transformation process. This has equivalencies in transformational process, the different elements of spiritual practice, and information processing. The Neoscientific catalog of archetypes which are translated into a symbolic icons and effects constitute a new language that comprise the elements of the language that deal directly with human consciousness, the sphere of knowledge, the perceptual field model of consciousness, knowledge representation spaces, and information space in general. These linguistic elements are then operable on concept maps (cMaps), mindMaps, information maps and directly to 3D and 4D knowledge representation spaces, game spaces and beyond, resident in the new U, I, WE, and US platforms.

Meta-Language is Embedded Directly into the Computing Platforms

There are several advantages to a language like this that go far beyond the icon languages of current computing platforms, like Microsoft’s, Windows, or Apple’s OS platforms. In these examples icons are static and while representative of an object like an application, they general serve no function beyond this. In contrast to this meta-language elements can represent a wide array of objects, but they also represent process relative to information space and therefore, provide a basis for processing and handling information, as well as moving through consciousness itself.

Meta-Language is Trans-Cultural and Trans-Lingual

Meta-Language is inherently trans-cultural and translingual in nature. The traditional meaning of translingual phenomena are words and other aspects of language that are relevant in more than one language. In this case it is comprised of elements that function at emerge from deeper than personal levels of consciousness and therefore are foundational in nature. This said, these elements emerge up through personal levels of consciousness. Meta-language is in essence the language of transformation, it is comprised of a distilled set of “process conceptuals” that make up a least common denominator foundation for many languages, and extend out to polyglottal use for this reason. Much in the same way that archetypes emerge up into motifs of waking personal consciousness, and find cultural representation throughout cultures and civilizations both across the world and across time.

Meta-language as a Tool Set for Dealing with Thought and Information

With this understanding about meta-language we can begin to understand its function in a platform that deals directly with mapping information space and human consciousness. Embedded within this are the capabilities to perceptually shift, change paradigms, transform, self-emancipate, which are all nearly synonymous terms. This capability gives us a powerful tool set for dealing with big data, information in general, solution finding and personal growth and development.

The Trans-Spatial-Temporal Capacity of Meta-Language

Because the meta-language is process and object oriented it is also trans-spatial-temporal meaning it is not temporally or spatially bound. Most modern-day contemporary languages indicate relations via tense to time, i.e., past, present and future; further they represent causal relationship between subject and object. While meta-language supports these descriptive formats relative to the spatial-temporal domain, it is not limited to it. Moreover, in so far as language, determines the thinking process of humans (c.f. linguistic relativism), its particular use is often a self-imposed limitation on human consciousness.

Parallels in Psychology, Sciences and Mathematics

The work of Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Amelia Jaffe and others provide part of the foundation for a trans-cultural basis for world spiritual practices as well as principles that emerge from spiritual practice and mystical experience around the world. These principles also find their parallel in the sciences in everything from self-organizing systems, the processes of autopoiesis, dissipative systems and a vast array of phenomena in physics, mathematics and other fields. There is a fundamental hypothesis we can come to in observing this, that the processes and structures of human consciousness emerge ubiquitously from cultures and civilizations across time and around the world.

“In Jungian psychology, archetypes are highly developed elements of the collective unconscious. Being unconscious, the existence of archetypes can only be deduced indirectly by examining behavior, images, art, myths, religions, or dreams.To understand this we can reference, the way Carl Jung understood archetypes as universal, archaic patterns and images that derive from the collective unconscious and are the psychic counterpart of instinct. They are inherited potentials which are actualized when they enter consciousness as images or manifest in behavior on interaction with the outside world.” (

The Relativistic Perceptual Field Model (RPFM)

The Relativistic Perceptual Field is pictured to the left in information space and representative of both information and collective human consciousness.. The model is outlined in the Relativistic Perceptual Field Model (RPFM), A Study of Consciousness and Cognitive Process, uses position vectors to create a spherical 4D model of information and human consciousness.

Meta-language translates into “in platform” tools, instruments and navigation for use by individuals and collectively use by the human species as a whole. The platform new layer relationship leverages the architectural framework of the new third layer on the internet to provide a self-deterministic and self-emancipative model, that supports human development and transformation.

Meta-Language and Its Interface with the larger USM architecture ...

Meta-language translates into “in platform” tools, instruments and navigation and then for use by individuals and collectively use by the human species as a whole.
The new layer on the internet provides for direct translation from one layer to another layer, which provides a political model for planetary decision making. This is coupled with the semantic web layer and data grid layers which provide both a check and balance system and mechanisms for self-refinement and transformation or shifts in paradigms.

In between the data grid which the Internet of Things (IoT) ports into, is digital property. Digital property is in essence the virtual stage, upon which central organizing principles are built. This includes educational logic, business logic and other applications, which can then translate to physical world processes and interactions. This architecture connects virtual world real estate and physical world real estate.

The platform new layer relationship leverages the architectural framework of the new third layer on the internet to provide a self-deterministic and self-emancipative model, that supports human development and transformation. 

Meta-Language as a Functional Tool for Navigating the Perceptual Field

In the state of existence where human beings exist within the realm of perception vs. knowing, bringing the lens of perception to clarity is a necessary precondition for transcending the realm of perception itself. Because the Neoscientific Meta-language was developed from the depths of human consciousness and parallel principles found in both mystical experience and the sciences it provides an operable language or tool set for moving through the perceptual field, removing blocks in consciousness and cleansing the lenses of perception. In the poem, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, William Blake, puts it like this, “If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.”

Removing Blocks in Consciousness

The removal of blocks in consciousness widens awareness that extends beyond the spatial-temporal frame at levels below personal levels of consciousness. With this we realize greater awareness of possibilities, and therefore freedom increases. For those that have experienced the joy of learning, time after time the opening to new knowledge offers never thought before possibility and provides an increasing degree of opportunity. As Albert Einstein said, I never came upon any of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking.” This element of irrationality begets a higher “process rational” that takes us to wider awareness that eventually takes us to awareness that is not spatially or temporally bound.

Perceptual Shifting and Transformation

Transformation (grk: metamorphóō) by definition takes from one form to another, it is “trans-form-ational”, metamorphosis is the word used to describe the evolution from the caterpillar to the butterfly. This moves us outside of the perceptual frame, or allows us to perceptually shift, in this we have to die to the structure of the information or framing of self and reality in order to restructure it. This is a life=> Death=> Neutral Zone => Rebirth process, and it is the central operable process and that most spiritual practices and scientific principle support.

Examples of a Language Element

Moving from one view of self or reality to another requires, one of the archetypes, “sacrifice” or the “trickster”. This conceptual principle gives us a process example of how these archetypes are used to navigate information, thought and human consciousness. There is a realization in fast changing industries that if you aren’t the paradigm shift, you are run over by it. Intentionally seeking transformation through specific practices, allows us to remain in control of the overall process versus experiencing circumstances as happening to us. In the instance of intentionality, we utilize the archetype of sacrifice by giving up on the value weighted items in a given frame of reality. In the latter we experience it as the trickster. It takes time to realize that the act of intentional dying to self and reality at cognitive and affective levels, results in increased awareness and opportunity. It is, in essence like exchanging a dime for a dollar, but in order to do so, we have to give up or sacrifice the dime. This takes both courage, faith, and trust in the process. Three of the great world teachers, Jesus Christ, Lao Tzu, and Buddha taught this from three different perspectives.

With Breakdown of Structure There is a Change in Energy

Whether we are splitting an atom, taking apart its structure or fusing one together, or allowing certain beliefs, and thought forms to dissolve we see energetic outcomes to this process. Meta-language tools help us deal with structure, while instruments help us deal with energy affective or otherwise. These apply principles apply at multiple scales from the individual to the collective planetary population. In platform mapping of thought and energy provides us with visual map of this process that is applicable at every scale level.

A Universal Perspective

Meta-Language and Large Timescale Human Development

Light Languages, Meta-Language, Consciousness and Epigentic Switching

The idea that consciousness is effecting our genetic make up is coming into common understanding. When we take this a step further to the experiences that mystics of the ages have reported of inner light and the physiological effects it has it greatly expands our understanding of ourselves and the multi-dimensional universe within which we live.

"Many people, programmed with the concept of genetic determinism, believe that genes in the fertilized egg at conception determine character and fate. Unable to pick our DNA genes, we are powerless to control our life, so that the only option is seeking help from someone in the biomedical community to fix our genes. ... Here, we can realize control by regulating the environment in which we live and our perception of it, making us the master of our own genetics rather than a victim of heredity." (Source Natural Awakenings Magazine - Interview with Bruce Lipton Ph.D )

Meta-Language, Its Use and Long Term Genetic Forensics

More recently, individual like Dr. Bruce Lipton,, have done work on the effects of consciousness that result in epi-genetic switching which in turn impact DNA. Using meta-language helps us change consciousness and as a result has a direct effect on our bio-energetic and genomic makeup. This realization has a number of implications. First, it means we are not subject to a genetically deterministic paradigm. Second, it means we can influence our own genes. Third, this makes a strong case for the consciousness we carry directly influencing our health. Fourth, from a human civilization and broad temporal perspective it provides the foundation for a kind of forensic genetics that leaves a record of the evolution of human consciousness.

Languages Impact How We Think

The principle of linguistic relativity holds that the structure of a language affects its speakers' world view or cognition. Popularly known as the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis, or Whorfianism, the principle is often defined to include two versions. The strong version says that language determines thought, and that linguistic categories limit and determine cognitive categories, whereas the weak version says that linguistic categories and usage only influence thought and decisions.

The term "Sapir–Whorf hypothesis" is considered a misnomer by linguists for several reasons: Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf never co-authored any works, and never stated their ideas in terms of a hypothesis. The distinction between a weak and a strong version of this hypothesis is also a later invention; Sapir and Whorf never set up such a dichotomy, although often in their writings their views of this relativity principle are phrased in stronger or weaker terms

From the late 1980s, a new school of linguistic relativity scholars has examined the effects of differences in linguistic categorization on cognition, finding broad support for non-deterministic versions of the hypothesis in experimental contexts.[6][7] Some effects of linguistic relativity have been shown in several semantic domains, although they are generally weak. Currently, a balanced view of linguistic relativity is espoused by most linguists holding that language influences certain kinds of cognitive processes in non-trivial ways, but that other processes are better seen as arising from connectionist factors. Research is focused on exploring the ways and extent to which language influences thought. (