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From a Cosmological and Local Perspective

From a Cosmologically Temporal  Perspective

We take a view of the history of human civilization and overview the developmental stages of humanity through various states of being. This gives us contextual perspective in relationship to humanities development. This is a broad scale timeline. Within this we have more localized timelines. The first of these looks at the evolution of humanity over the last 2000 years. The second looks at the geo-political and socio-economic timeline over the last 70 years. The third, looks at the current time in human history and into the future.

We Are One

Imagine we were to take a large scale look from a temporal perspective of the development of a species, and we begin to observe the evolutionary and developmental steps this species takes over time. In this context we are making this observation relative to the human species both in terms of where we have been and the future we have yet to realize.

We begin with an understanding that humanity in a state other than pleromatic unity is isolated and limited in capabilities and states of being. That the human journey is one of realizing states of being, that take it to an evolutionary inter-connectedness. While not eliminating individuality, it allows for humanity to develop to a place where its awareness level is beyond spatial-temporal restrictions. How we arrive at this place takes us to an understanding of our own potential and the development of our own consciousness.

The Present Day - State of the World


This volume outlines the state of the world from a number of different aspects. It begins with a universal perspective. The state of the world is closely integrated with the mission volume, the mission volume talks about the mission in the context of the current day situation and provides a vision of what can be.

While the State of the world looks at a number of issues from a systemic and exacerbatory viewpoint it points forward to why we need solution models. It elaborates on the need to address conceptual and institutional models and why we need to move from a geographically tied framework to a non-geographically tied one based on information space. It uses line by line issue comparatives that contrast current thinking with the solution models set forth. While setting forth a bold vision of what can be achieved.

How the world works

This portion of the volume outlines, current day power structures, trans-national interests, fund flow dynamics, and a variety of other things not found in contemporary history books or governance classes. The information is drawn from world literature and deep data mining. It reveals significant insight into political, banking, energy and other sectors including central banks and bank of international settlements roles in the global economy.

The BlueBook Comprehensive Overview


The foundational book for RDI’s technology is called the Bluebook. It is an ever-evolving tome of nearly 1200 pages. The first five sections of this book (nearly 600 pages) form the textbook for the Core Curriculum Class. Other class materials include the Quick Reference Guide and CCC Workbook.

These materials describe the Universal, Global, and Segment Specific Solution Models, and the Industry Models and core technologies that support them. They provide dramatic insight into the industry, organizational, and technological components that were invented, developed, and built to support this large-scale project.

World in Transition

They describe a world in transition and transformation, and present the mechanism for how a new open, democratic, bottom-up, governance model; a new layer in cyberspace; and a global computing platform may facilitate world-wide transformation. It represents more than 24 years of work by hundreds of individuals led by Marlin Knecht, its founder.

Breakdown in Infrastructures

They address the breakdown in geographically-tied infrastructures and governance models that has occurred since web 1.0 was introduced. They provide a bold new vision and a solution for the current state of the world, approached from a universal and planetary perspective. The Solution sets the stage for a global geo-political paradigm shift, while empowering the global economy by installing a new infrastructure. It covers issues including: issue centric voting, sphere of influence demographics, global economic and currency stability, cross-border fund flows, single point of influence events, n-dimensional connectivity, and economic surveillance, detection, and awareness dynamics.

Invitation based model

It provides an invitation-based model that honors the rights of the individual and nation-state sovereignty. The model addresses why today’s issues call us to ensure and balance the existential rights of the individual and human and other species in the context of planetary management, international terrorism, and economic disparity. It defines the Citizen of Humanity and the Planetary Citizen and provides a framework for a government of the people, for the people, by the people of the Earth.

Empowering People

The model empowers the human population toward Sustainability, Peace, Possibility, and Plenitude by providing a Universal Solution Model, Infrastructures, and Management Systems. Their macro- and micro-structural components create conditions for positive emergence and model new tools for learning, growth, and transformation.

The Virtual Global Nation

Planetary Management Systems, Inc.
Rational Data International, Inc.
Phone: (844) 897-8704 (USA)