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The Core Curriculum Class

The Core Curriculum Class (CCC) offers an intensive 18 hour training course that offers certification in the Universal Solution Model (USM) and provides an overview for prospective employees, partners, technology partners, educators and more. It the foundational class to the RDIM solution models and is offered through Rational Data Institute of Technology (RDIT)..

Think Globally, Act Globally…

Over the last many decades we have stood by and watched as numerous global and planetary issues have gone unaddressed or have been further exacerbated by various factors. Many of us have seen the bumper sticker that says, “Think Globally, Act Locally” – in essence, encouraging us to do what we can in our own communities to help provide a better future for ourselves and our children. This is a shared mantra among peoples around the world, yet it hardly seems that it’s enough to address the very pressing issues we face today.

State of the World and How to Fix them and then move into a New Golden Age.

What Went Wrong?

It seems like almost nothing is working anymore – governments, financial systems, educational systems, health care, accountability models, energy, and representation for the average person. It seems that we may be incapable of resolving issues like climate change, clean water, world hunger – and the list just goes on. In short, have we reached a massive system failure? Is there a core answer to why this is happening, besides human behavior and its foibles? Have we finally reached some critical stage in development? Is this an historical juncture on the magnitude of the renaissance or the industrial age – where the convergence of key technologies has put us at the tipping point?

What Can You Do to change the world?

Think Globally, Act Locally ...

We believe there are many people out there who have accumulated significant skill sets and experience and want to use them to answer an internal longing to address some of the issues that face us as a planetary population, and are looking for an actionable path to accomplish this. You might be one of those people that says, I recycle, pick up trash, and do any variety of other acts to help your community and the planet. But as you look around at the larger issues that are for many beyond the reach of most people and you wonder what you can do, This provides a way to be part of credible actionable path that works on a planetary scale. If you are such a person, we invite you to read on.

The Core Curriculum Materials

The foundational overview book of the series is called the BlueBook (volume 3) this is supplemented by The Core Curriculum Textbook (volume 4) . The BlueBook is an ever-evolving tome of nearly 1200 pages. The first five sections of this book (nearly 700 pages) form the basis for an easier to understand textbook, designed for the Core Curriculum Class. 5) Other class materials include the Quick Reference Guide and the CCC Workbook, two DVD's one of tutorials and one of the We Are One Movie.

The Core Curriculum Class Materials

The foundational overview book of the BlueBook Series a 76 Volume series that presents a new set of global systems. The series is overviewed by a high level volume BlueBook Series Overview (volume 3) this is supplemented by The Core Curriculum Textbook (volume 4) . The BlueBook Series Overview Volume is an ever-evolving tome of nearly 1200 pages. The first five sections of this book (nearly 700 pages) form the basis for an easier to understand textbook, designed for the Core Curriculum Class. 5) Other class materials include the Quick Reference Guide and the CCC Workbook, two DVD's one of tutorials and one of the We Are One Movie.

These materials describe the Universal, Inter-Dimensional, Inter-Stellar, Inter-planetary, Planetary, Segment Specific Solution Models and Management Systems, the Industry Models and the core technologies that support them. They provide dramatic insight into the industry, organizational, and technological components that were invented, developed, and built to support this large-scale project.

A World In Transition and Transformation

They describe a world in transition and transformation, and present the mechanism for how a new open, democratic, bottom-up, governance model; a new layer in cyberspace; and a global computing platform may facilitate world-wide transformation.

They address the breakdown in geographically-tied infrastructures and governance models that has occurred since web 1.0 was introduced. They provide a bold new vision and a solution for the current state of the world, approached from a universal and planetary perspective. The Solution sets the stage for a global geo-political paradigm shift, while empowering the global economy by installing a new infrastructures and institutional models. It covers issues including: issue-centric voting, sphere of influence demographics, global economic and currency stability, cross-border fund flows, single point of influence events, systemic amplification, n-dimensional connectivity, complexity, economic surveillance and early detection and awareness dynamics.

Certification and Opportunities

Instructor, Naamah Ailf Knecht, 2018

Future Opportunities ...

The class prepares participants for future career opportunities, training opportunities, investment opportunities, access to Guide Corps, Writer’s Corps, Quawn, Core work groups and more. The class is being offered to fill our Human Resources pipelines, staff positions, and to support the initial pre-launch participation pathways in the new governance model, only a few short weeks away. This is all in preparation for the worldwide launch in the third quarter of 2015, where RDI will need thousands of qualified people in place to support and rapidly grow the necessary infrastructure, the entire architecture and new computing ecosystem. 

Instructors ...

The class is equivalent to a graduate-level college mini-course. However, you don’t need to be a college graduate to take, understand and enjoy the class. It is supported by a Quick Reference Guide, a Student Workbook, and a 700+ page Core Curriculum textbook. The class is taught by instructors who bring depth to the subjects of global infrastructure, economics, asset valuation, sociology, political systems, web technology, and the processes of self-refinement and transformation. 

What to expect ...

Participants should come prepared to engage in an intensive that includes extensive reading, learning new terminology, and discussion. The class is highly interactive, taught by multiple instructors, and supported by multimedia tools. It requires a willingness to maintain an academic suspension of disbelief long enough to work through broad-field interdisciplinary topics. Participants (depending on background) should not expect to understand all the material immediately – but for most people, this exciting picture is filled out and understood by the end of the class. Participants must sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to take the class.

The Outcome

Students receive certification upon successful completion of the class, which also satisfies the prerequisite for employment within Rational Data Industry Model’s organizations and/or continuation of Rational Data Institute of Technology (RDIT) course curricula.


Core Curriculum Six Part Series

Instructor, Naamah Ailf Knecht, 2018

State of the World and How the World Works

This describes both current issues, and deep intelligence state and trans-national organizations, hegemonic relationships, general practices of government, general practices top level organizations, it shows how we can separate the truth from conspiracy theories, demagoguery, and other current day issues. Current day hidden technologies and other realities.

Science, Technology and Solution Sets

This class overviews our developed technology along with technology in development, it outlines critical mass drivers and co-evolutionary components of technological introductions and what they mean to standard of living for the planetary citizen and citizen of humanity. This includes our technological solutions and technologies in development.

Macro-structural Solution Models - in the Context of Current Planetary and Inter-planetary Realities

Solution Models and Macro-structural strategies for fixing the current situation. It introduces the Rational Data Solution models and how they work in relationship to the current planetary situation and beyond. It also overviews the technical layers of the USM, IoT, data grid, semantic web, traditional web, guide services and more.

The Stage - The New Land Standard

At the center of the architecture is a new land class, digital property that provides an egalitarian stage for development, commerce, industry, central organizing princples and more. Comparative matrices are overviewed for topics like blockchain, cryptocurrencies, current commerce platfforms and others.

Micro-structural Solutions - Neoscience, Meta-language, Tool sets and Instruments

Neoscience - this is an inclusive cosmology and ontology of Source, It reviews the State of the World along with the State of the Human Species from a developmental standpoint. It takes a scientific approach that combines principles drawn from the world's spiritual practices, religions and scientific literature. Parallelisms are drawn between these components.

Implementation Strategies and Timelines

This overviews implementation strategies and co-agendas of other organizations both aligned and not aligned with our goals of world peace, plenitude and the realization of happiness and love.
Introduction to Key Organizations and People

Who is Who
This introduces a whose who of organizations, people, the roles they play on the planetary, national and local stages. This is then parralleled to key people and opportunities within the RDIM, VGN and their roles. It outlines and contrasts hierarchical models to distributed models.

Stepping Into A New Golden Age

By resolving issues, building new frameworks, providing a new egalitarian playing field, and providing new tools for the individual and the planet as a whole, we can step out of our collective historical experience and into a new and better one, a time of peace and plenitude.

Then, as we institute a new set of safeguards with check and balance systems that form the firewalls of freedom, against the habituated patterns of the past we can go forward through the open doorway that awaits us and not look back. We do this by ensuring existential rights for the individual, the human species and other species across the spectrum of sentient and non-sentient life.

As we step across this transformational threshold into a new Golden Age for Humanity we have stepped into the land where we have a solid foundation from which we can reach out to other worlds and to the stars.

Movie, Series and Video Tutorials

The WE ARE ONE Movie and Genre Specific Series  provide a foundation for a new Earth.  RDIT offers a full comprehensive database of tutorials as well as the tutorials themselves. In most instances tutorials can be found on most sites, in all the platforms and embedded in dynamic ePublications, eBooks, and eMagazines. Many of the tutorials are offered for free.


A 76 volume set describing the Universal Solution Model (USM)