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Relationship Practice

Our path is distilled from paths you might find in a variety of places but taught from their own specific aspect or perspective. Here what you are getting are the distilled principles and practices as a foundation. You are always welcome to parallel this with a genre that is comfortable and fitting for you. 


RELATIONSHIP PRACTICEs - are practices that help us facilitate each other in the process of doing inner work. With the goal of seeking the Divine and heaven on earth. As a couple we can become a meeting point a stake on the ground for heaven on earth. Our relationship becomes the fusion chamber that allows us to become a radiant beacon to the rest of the world emanating love and bringing through the relationship the radiation of love and its manifestation in many different forms. Doing relationship practice is the dance that takes us to the love making practice (LMP) and it sets the stage for it. At this point relationship practice is differentiated from love making practice because it still involves interactions between two people and while energetic and cognitive in nature, even telepathic it is not at the same level as the bio-energetic physiological love making practice. Rather, the LMP is an extension of it.

In Couples Relationships

Commitment to a path, reading one book and then a breakup, assigning illness to something where the pieces fit, but are neither static or true.

Commitment to a Path

Our path is distilled from paths you might find in a variety of places but taught from their own specific aspect or perspective. Here what you are getting are the distilled principles and practices as a foundation. You are always welcome to parallel this with a genre that is comfortable and fitting for you. This said, commitment to a journey like this is what brings long term and lasting results. It takes real work and real commitment. This said, the tools, instruments, practices, principles that you learn to use and develop are also supported in a new web based computing platform.

Commitment to Each Other

Building fierce devotion in a relationship, deep intimacy, even telepathic connection and a committed love making practice at the center of other relationship tools is predicated on commitment. I like to say that when you undertake such a journey most of us have had a kind of "vows" in our ceremony that encapsulate an outer framework for our marriage. Within this is another layer of commitments about how we will communicate, how we will hold space, how we will do different practices. Of all the practices in the spiritual tool box, relationship is probably the most powerful for those that are in relationship. But as a powerful tool for learning and growth as relationship is, it needs the support of general practices and tools.

Relationship Practice

The “Building Blocks” we have been working on, and, we will introduce several more before we are done. The building blocks are like “notes” that are duplicated in space-time, by instruments in physicality, our bodies, that allow us to make up our own unique symphony. They allow us to adapt a natural rhythm that is going to be unique for every couple, that will also change over time. Ideally in both relationship practice and love making practice (LMP) this rhythm emerges from the invitation of guidance, assistance and flow through by Divine Mother and Our higher Christ Selves, Divine Father to assist in the process. roots drawing from divine mother and the cosmos divine Father. Couples picture before union, after union, the inter-relationship between man and woman, Christed men and women.

At the first level this may be more physical and sensation oriented, mostly guided by feedback between each other, on another level this can be guidance driven, where visions, flashes, impressions are felt and seen throughout the day both in relationship practice and in the love making practice. Finally, we become both the observer and the participant in a process of Divine Love Making with each other, that begins with the relationship practice but extends through and most intensely into the love making practice. Here the bio-physical energetic exchanges and moving of energies, flows, space creation, cleansing movement and breathing all assist in healing, growth and transformation. 

This has several benefits to it, first it allows us to be self-vulnerable and self-intimate while having the safety net of our closest person there to help us through. It also takes us to build a habit of trust, in our most intimate of spaces. This develops within us a confidence in ourselves. Because trust in this situation is two-fold, it is trust in the other, but it is also trust in our capacity to see and engage ourselves, and be openly intimate with a partner. 


Providing light for a New World.