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With the world the way it is how do we get there? There are two components laid out in the Golden Age white paper, providing a way to shift the distribution curve of human consciousness, while at the same time puting in place new external conditions that support the positive emergence of the human species.

A New Golden Age


The vision of a new golden age is a time in human history when humanity as a whole, can enter into realizing certain states of being a time of peace, plenitude, happiness and love. Before we go down the road of pigeonholing this as strictly idealistic we need to remember, the words of Thomas Jefferson, in the Declaration of Independence, for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We have tweaked these words to realize this, we no longer want to pursue but realize these states of being. He went on to say for this reason governments are instituted among men.

While I would argue the USA is far from a perfect place, in our shining moments we were the envy of those seeking a better life. Working to beat a path to the doors of opportunity and happiness.

Macrostructure Matters ...

It is somewhat anecdotal but experiential proof that when done well, the macro-structural components that frame out governance can impact the “quality of life” of its citizens. And, while states of being like those we mentioned are not necessarily dependent upon external conditions, if you are poor, don’t have food to eat, under the constant threat of violence, and so many more issues citizens around the world face. It makes a case for setting up a new system. One that is egalitarian, and represents the planetary citizen as first level check and balance system between the citizen and their government.

Existential Rights for All Humankind

Further that these individuals no matter where they are simply, by virtue, of their existence are also, endowed with certain inalienable rights the same rights some more developed nations hold dear; further, these rights extend out to a broader class of rights called existential rights and are valid for the individual the species and other species on planet Earth.

To achieve this, we need to realize these states of being within ourselves individually, and we need to create the structural conditions for this to emerge on a planetary scale and beyond. We do this by addressing the many barriers to putting new systems that ensure this eventuality in place, creating a new stage for this to happen on and providing the tools and instruments for it to happen.

Explaining How We Get There

The Star Trek version of a future world where peace reigns and the human species expands out into the universe is certainly within our grasp. The thing is about Star Trek and other Sci-fi shows that look into a distant future where this is the case, is that they rarely state how this was accomplished.

What we have outlined is a way to accomplish this. On every scale from the individual on up through the planetary level and beyond. The USM provides a road map for self-determinative governance, self-refinement and self-emancipative systems that provide a way for this to happen.

The We Are One movie
is designed to explain this in easy and entertaining terms.

But human development and growth is better suited to be an internal process than something that is dependent on technologies like bio-augmentation. There are timelines and detours that we as a species could go down that would not be in our long-term best interest.


Together we can do this, while hundreds of people have helped to build this bridge and the blueprints that in essence create a Noah’s Ark as we transition from one age to another, it will take your support to achieve this vision. This is why, we have gone to such lengths to make the nested set of solutions that we find in the USM available on a planetary scale. It is why we wrote the book on planetary management and planetary sustainability..

The New Golden Age

The vision of a new golden age is a time in human history when humanity as a whole, can enter into realizing certain states of being a time of peace, plenitude, happiness and love. It is a world at peace and unified.

Together We Can Do This?

Together we can do this, while hundreds of people have helped to build this bridge and the blueprints that in essence create a Noah’s Ark as we transition from one age to another, it will take your support to achieve this vision. This is why, we have gone to such lengths to make the nested set of solutions that we find in the USM available on a planetary scale. It is why we wrote the book on planetary management and planetary sustainability.

Movie, Series and Video Tutorials

The WE ARE ONE Movie and Genere Specific Series  provide a foundation for a new Earth.  RDIT offers a full comprehensive database of tutorials as well as the tutorials themselves. In most instances tutorials can be found on most sites, in all the platforms and embedded in dynamic ePublications, eBooks, and eMagazines. Many of the tutorials are offered for free.


A 76 volume set describing the Universal Solution Model (USM)



Providing light for a New World.